used dialogue as game and logic as game, and let us suggest that if you wanted to get back to basics and wanted to revalidate the left hemisphere in our time, you would have to approach it as a game. And you could re- establish the validity and the fun of basics and of grammar and arithmetic and so on, if you approached it through the right hemisphere. I’ve long ago discovered, for example, that mathematics is a bore but that the higher math is fun. If you get up very high in physics, math of physics today, you’re in a poetic world. It’s fun. It’s only the lower math that is dull and flat-footed. You know, 2 + 2 and that stuff. But, no, the higher math is pure fun. I have a friend, Bob Logan at UT, who teaches a course in poetry and mathematics. No, it’s poetry and physics. A grad course. And I’ve taken this course and it’s a lot of fun. It’s only the lower echelons where the dullness is. But if you wanted to